Serendip Connections Приложения

Serendip - Make New Friends, Meet New People!
Serendip Connections
Want to make new friends? Meet people nearby and discovermeaningful friendships with Serendip! Serendip connects you withnew people, who share and resonate with your core values. Nomindless swiping on faces. No small talk. Straight to meaningfulconversation. We’re more than an app: we’re a global community.Make new friends, meet new people - download the app today!----------------------------------------------------- 135,000+people introduced to each other 25,000+ meaningful conversations In70+ countries Finding friends isn’t always easy - so we do some ofthat work for you. Whether you’re starting a new job miles awayfrom loved ones, or just looking to meet new people, Serendip canhelp you build meaningful lifelong friendships with people whoresonate with your personality, values and aspirations. --- WHATOUR COMMUNITY SAYS --- “Ever since I left high school I’d beensearching for that sense of belonging you feel when you’re aroundgenuine friends who just ‘get’ you. Serendip helped me find thatagain. I met my best friend on here - it’s great for finding newfriends who understand you :)” Karl, 23 “I’m so grateful to havefinally found somewhere I can connect with people who actuallyunderstand me. Serendip’s questions & icebreakers make it somuch easier to begin chatting to new people!” Eva, 25 “Great way tofind new people you click with, less time mindlessly swipingthrough faces, more time talking about things that matter. Serendipshows you people nearby you’re likely to get on with and it’s sucha fun way to meet new friends.” Cassidy, 21 So, how does it work?--- TAKE THE QUIZ --- You’ll start off by completing a shortinsight quiz - answering thoughtful questions based on yourcharacter, core values and aspirations. This will allow you toconnect with individuals who resonate with your personality, goalsand values - helping you foster genuine friendships that go beyondsmall-talk. --- FIND FRIENDS WHO UNDERSTAND YOU --- Our advancedalgorithm will show you people whose values align with yours. Wedon’t stop there. Our algorithm ensures your new friends livenearby, to encourage in-person meetups if you get along! --- SKIPTHE SMALL-TALK --- Not one for small-talk? Want to dive straightinto the exciting stuff? With Serendip you can get straight intomeaningful conversations with our fun ice-breakers and questions -starting a friendship has never been so inspiring. When you createyour profile, you’ll choose two “conversation-starters” whichpeople can respond to - so you can dive straight into conversationsabout things that matter, and are important to you. --- OUR MISSION--- Today we are living in the most connected time in humanhistory, yet an unprecedented number of us feel isolated. Betweenwork, family and other responsibilities, we often forget theimportance of meaningful friendships. Research shows that havinguplifting and true friends is the #1 factor in determining ourhappiness. Science tells us that friendships are fundamental to ourmental wellbeing. We strongly believe meeting new people andcreating meaningful connections is what gives colour andinspiration to life. Determined to bring humanity together, we’reon a mission to connect kindred spirits! We want to help you builduplifting, inspiring and lifelong friendships. Join us on ourjourney and find your sense of belonging.